Cyclic  timer with  independent On Off times regulations

di Stefano Purchiaroni

The application is inspired to the need of a friend who practice the Kayak Fishing. The kept fishes have to be maintained "living" for a long time. He built a tank, feeded using a sea water pump. In order to regulate the water flow, he asked me to realize this timer. The circuit is powered by a 12V or 6V battery. The ON and OFF times are managed independently using two resistive trimmers. The circuit implements a well known NE555 astable configuration, and may be used for any other purpose, adapting the RC network values to the personal needs. The Relais has to be choosen in function of the battery voltage.


Since early 1971, the 555 remains the most versatile timer ic. It is possible to consult the large amount of literature online, to understand his functions. But I would provide here a synthetical one: At powe on, C2 ensure the internal Flip Flop reset, who brings the output port to be High. Meanwhile, C1 begins to charge through D2 and the R2+RV2 series. Once the 2/3 Vcc threshold is reached, the upper comparator sets R high, making the FF to switch. At this point the output goes Low, and the internal NPN transistor enters in conduction state, making C1 to discharge through D1 and R1+RV1 series. The discharge continues until the C1 voltage decreases under the 1/3 Vcc threshold. Now the lower comparator sets S high, restoring the initial conditions. 

With the exception of fist charge phase, that begins from 0 volts (the next steps begins from 1/3 Vcc), the times may be calculated using the following formulas: Ton = 0,693*C1*(R4+R2+RV2), Toff = 0,693*C1*(R1+ RV1). They can be approximated, when R4 ≪ R+RV, to the following: T = 0,000693*C1*(1+R+RV) adopting Kohm e uF units. The table below supplies some values to be used for times between 7 and 700 seconds. Share the total resistance between the fixed and the variable resistors to obtain the desired intervals. Approximate to the upper value for commercial trimmers, to avoid intervals cutting. 

In our case the values choosen for C1 and the resistors make the timer to work in the following time intervals:
Ton : 15 – 110 s
Toff : 90 – 330 s

The proposed layout foreseen a squared 50 x 50 mm board, with holes at his corners to mount it in a sealed box, where the power and appliance cords have to be brought. In the next section, there are all the pictures useful to realize the pcb. Download and print the w/b board image that is already reflected horizonally, and arrange his size to fit to 50 x 50 mm.  


It may occurs a Relè with NO and NC pin inverted. In this case use the following layout:

Digital version using a PIC12F675 microcontroller

This version has no time variation due to compoennts' temperature. The circuit adopts a microcontroller, and uses its precise internal clock to manage the timing. The times setting occurs at every phase reading the trimmers levels vua two 10 bit A/D channels. It makes possible to adjust the timing during operations. The maximal times are set via code to 2 (Ton) and 10 (Toff) minutes, but the code is supplied in order to allow the user to change the values if needed. 

The PCB has the same shape and size of the analog version making it possible to use the same container box.


The PIC12F765 mcu has to be programmed using this hex file. The code source is shown hereafter. The two constants named TonMax and ToffMax determine the maximum time for ON and OFF phases with the related trimmers all set clockwise.


     Cyclic timer
     Ton and Toff setting uses two trimmers via ADC pins. See schematic

     MCU:             PIC12F675
     Oscillator:      Internal, 4.000 MHz
     Compilator:      mikroC v8.2.0.0


     Changes log:
     - 03.08.2017 : Creation of the program

#define TonMax     120     // Max ON state time  (s)
#define ToffMax    600     // Max OFF state time (s)

void SetOut(int outval, int tmax, int channel) {
// Set output according to specified value for a time got from the indicated analog channel
int i, t;
  GPIO.F2 = outval;
  t = ((long)Adc_Read(channel) * tmax)  / 1024;
  for (i=0;i<=t;i++) Delay_ms(1000);

void main() {
  CMCON  = 0b00000111;     // Comparator module off
  ANSEL  = 0b00001010;     // Configure ANalog pins (1=An)
  TRISIO = 0b11111011;     // Configure pins directions (0=Out)
  do {                     // Endless loop
    SetOut(1,TonMax,3);    // Turn output on and wait Ton=AN3 seconds
    SetOut(0,ToffMax,1);   // Turn output off and wait Toff=AN1 seconds
  } while(1);

Digital version with PIC12F683 and without relay for small loads

A friend needed to time the crib's bells. So I realised this other version employing a 12F683 and a BD139 transistor in place of the relay. Also the trimmers are two smaller ones, to minimize pcb size to about 2.5 centimeters side. The load shall remain under 0.5 Ampere (1 A max, using an heat sink) and the power shall stay under 24V. Click here to download the Hex file to load on the PIC12F683.